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Electronic Communications Act
The amended Electronic Communications Act (Official Journal No 109/2012) introduced new rules on the use of cookies and similar technologies to store or access information stored on a user's computer or mobile device. This law also applies to us, so we have prepared a website to provide more information about the use of cookies in our company.

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small file that a website places on your computer. Each time you return to the same website, the site will recognise you. The cookies that are created on our website do not contain any personal information about you, but simply contain a sequence of numbers and letters that help to make your experience on the website as good as possible. Cookies can also be used to analyse website traffic so that website managers can see which pages are being visited the most.


Choose a location:
Ljubljana - Centre
Ljubljana - Poljane


Mon-Fri: 8:00-21:00
Saturday: 9:00-15:00
Sunday and public holidays: Closed / by arrangement

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